Models for the whiteboard
“Do not confuse motion for impact”
I love this London Facebook HQ quote. To me, it also relates to models and theory. They are invaluable so long as they pave the way for definitive action. At my last count, I included over 38 models, guidelines and practical frameworks within my book, Each are incredibly simple to use which is why I like them and why I believe they work. Many are my own creations, alongside those that I have borrowed with pride.
Within the book, I mentioned the following three frameworks that may require additional clarification. Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss any specifics; email; hamish@hamishrthomson.com. I also reference in Chapter 9, my prefered choice of strategic model/template so simply shout if curious.
One last thing pertaining to models; Never overthink, overcomplicate or chase perfection. Use models as a guideline for strategic direction and as a framework for creative discussion. Importantly, use them as a firm starting base that leads to action. Theory without action, helps no one.
External Connections
(Figure 1.3)
Remember the big debate of vertical versus horizontal integration? Ownership and control versus specialisation by others? There was never a clear winner. What is obvious today is the necessity for external partnership and connectivity. The modern corporate world demands connectivity, and, in its absence, it is almost impossible to achieve true breakthrough. Particularly if you want to do so with real pace and efficiency. This framework (see figure 1.3) is a good reminder of why external connectivity is so important, alongside simple reminders of how to achieve it. If you would like specific details behind this, please contact me directly. Definitely refer to it when conducting stretch assignments outside your organisation’s core competency sets.
Making the most of Constant Dissatisfaction
(Figure 16.1)
Many of the headlines in figure 16.1 are covered throughout the book itself. For those that I have not discussed, please contact me directly for further details The purpose of this framework is to provide specific concepts and frameworks that will allow a mindset of dissatisfaction to work effectively. Not one that is random or scattered in approach; rather, one with considered discipline that will allow efficient and successful implementation. It is one thing to be disruptive, it is another thing to be considered and focused. Balance is needed.
Career Development
(Figure 18.3)
The template is a guideline only. I have developed and used it for graduates, apprentices, middle managers, directors and entry level general managers. It is not flashy, nor does it need to be. What is important is you complete and revisit it annually. If you would like further discussion with examples of how this can be brought to life, simply reach out.